
The Five most important strategies in Digital Marketing for SMEs

October 16, 2019

Marketing for small and medium-sized companies -before the digital revolution- was very complex to implement, due to the high costs to access traditional media such as television, radio, and press.
Thus, the strategies were almost always limited to buying an advertisement in the telephone operator's yellow page directories and limited appearances in specialized publications or local radio. 

Today, in a global and digital world, there are many options. Here is a list of the five strategies of what SMEs should do today.

Mobile optimized website 

It is very important to have a website that is optimized for cell phones. Although most companies have this basic presence, it is key that the following guidelines are followed.

First, it must be designed so it can be consulted on mobile phones. In Colombia, most Internet sessions are carried out from one of these devices.

Second, you must have a goal. In other words, it must be designed so that customers can easily contact them, either through a form where they can leave the data or a live service chat.

Finally, you must incorporate content update strategies. Producing a bi-weekly or monthly blog is a first step in the right direction.

Google is King

The main positioning strategy is search engines. The phone book was replaced by Google. Thus, an expert should be hired to help you be in the first places of organic searches.

This implies the combination of technical factors such as how your page is built and the quality and frequency of updating the content.

Social networks

If your company doesn’t have social networks, now is the time! Figures indicate that about 80% of Colombians' browsing time on the Internet is spent on these pages. Mind you, it is not essential to be on all networks.

According to the characteristics of the customer segments, the most useful networks must be identified. In the same way, focus on the objective: brand positioning, marketing of products or services, or customer service.

Spend on advertising

The best thing about the digital world is that you don't need a fortune to get noticed. On Google or Facebook, for example, it is possible to develop advertising campaigns with low budgets.

The recommendation is always to invest little and constantly measure the result of that investment. In the same way, use the technological tools that allow you to segment the public to whom a certain campaign wants to address be it by region, age, and gender, among others.

Database Managment

Although it is common to believe that email is already out of fashion; the truth is that it is still the most effective method of sales. In fact, close to 20% of total global online sales have, as background, the sending of a promotional email. Capturing and correctly managing the database of your current and potential customers is essential to improve sales.

Hire a professional

SMEs often make the mistake of believing that, because they are small, they can be informal in their marketing management. Hiring a family member who studies Systems Engineering, or a company that does not have adequate support levels can be counterproductive.
Information and reputation are the most important assets of a company. It is for this reason that professional companies must be hired that can give them correct advice for the implementation of their marketing strategies.